



賴淙仁前理事長主持的Keynote Lecture,帶來啟發性的專題演講,內容值得期待。




Prof. Sho Kanzaki, Japan (Speaker 01)

Prof. Hyun-Joon Shim, Korea (Speaker 02)

Prof. Jae-Jin Song, Korea (Speaker 03)

Prof. Tang-Chuan Wang, Taiwan (Speaker 04)

Prof. Po-Hung Li, Taiwan (Moderator 01)

Prof. Shi-Nae Park, Korea (Moderator 02)

Dear Professors,

Thank you for your participation in the upcoming EASO 2024 on Dec. 7-8, Taipei, Taiwan. We are pleased to provide you with an overview of your session details and additional information to assist in your preparation.

Please refer to the attached document for relevant information regarding your session. Please visit: https://easo2024.com/Program.html for more information.

Session Details:

Session No. & Title: Symposium 11_ Hyperacusis and Tinnitus
Date & Time: 11:00-12:20, Dec. 8 (Sun.)
Location: Conference Room, 1F
Duration of Presentation: Each speaker will have 15mins presentation+5mins discussion

Speaker Responsibilities:

Please arrive at least 30 minutes early to test and finalize any technical setup.
Ensure that your presentation file is submitted by Nov. 27 via this email, if the file size is too large, you may also provide a download link. If last-minute updates are needed, there will be a preview room available on-site.
If you prefer to use your own laptop, please note that the signal source on-site is HDMI, so be sure to bring an appropriate adapter if needed.

Moderator Responsibilities:

Introduce each speaker briefly and manage the time to ensure the session proceeds on schedule.
Facilitate the Q&A segment following each presentation and encourage audience participation.
Please present a certificate of appreciation to the speaker on behalf of the conference after their presentation.
Before the session ends, please invite the Moderator for the next session to come up to the stage (or announce that it is now break time and provide the start time for the next session).

Additional Information:

Technical Support: Our staff will be on hand to assist with any AV or technical needs.
Contact for Assistance: If you have any questions before the event, please contact Ms. Celine Wang via easo2024@gmail.com, mobile number is +886-917-551-751.
Timing Bell Guidelines for Staff:
Ring the bell once when there are 3 minutes remaining and again at 1 minute remaining in the presentation.
Ring the bell twice when the allotted time is up.
Ring the bell once every 30 seconds thereafter until the presentation ends.

We look forward to a successful session and greatly appreciate your contributions to the program. If there are any changes to your availability or other concerns, please feel free to let us know.

Best regards,


第八屆東亞耳科醫學大會 大會秘書處

Secretariat of 8th East Asian Symposium on Otology (EASO 2024)

王心慧小姐 ▏Ms. Celine Wang

Fax: +886-7-287-3590

Mobile: +886-917-551-751

E-mail: easo2024@gmail.com

See you in Taiwan!!